Thursday, October 17, 2019

Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Report - Assignment Example Your Supplementary Text helps you or go online. You will use these journal articles to write your structured report. So please keep copies of these articles. Cash, H., Rae, C., Steel, A. and Winkler, A., (2012). Internet Addiction: A Brief Summary of Research and Practice, US National Library of Medicine   National Institutes of Health, Curr Psychiatry Rev. Nov; 8(4): 292–298. King, D., Delfabbro, P., Griffiths, M. and Gradisar, M. (2012). Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to OutpatientTreatmentof Internet Addiction inChildrenand Adolescents, Journal of Clinical Psychology: In session, Vol. 68(11), 1185–1195 Extend your search by including five other sources of information relating to your topic below. They can be conference papers, newspaper articles, magazines, etc. Enter them in APA 6th edition style correctly here. Internet addiction should be recognised as a clinical disorder, psychiatrist claims, (n.d.). Mailonline, Retrieved from TIP: The title of your report must be narrow/focussed. You might want to review this title after you have finished the entire report. The title should give the reader a good idea of what to expect in the report. While Internet obtained an indescribable power of impact toward the way people got connected, such technological advance have also altered the relationship between them, creating basis for the scholars to dive into the potential of Internet addiction and its effect on people’s behavioural changes. Researchers ultimately agree that the new digital era has created its impact on the development of the human mind. Despite such useful features as availability to obtain incredible information and opportunity to be more socially connected, possibilities for self-education, freedom from shyness and huge economic betterment, psychiatrists have noticed that excessive use of Internet can lead to

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